
A baby under one year old experienced an unexpected fever the previous night, with the body temperature consistently above 38.5 degrees Celsius. Even after taking fever-reducing medication, the temperature dropped to around 37 degrees, but no other symptoms were present, and the baby’s spirits were good, continuing to play. The baby ate a bit more than usual the night before, and it is uncertain whether this was due to improper eating. Probiotics have been taken for a day; should the baby be seen by a pediatrician specializing in febrile convulsions?


The baby’s recurring fever may be caused by improper eating or possibly due to bacterial or viral infection. It is recommended to undergo a routine blood test to determine the cause. If the white blood cell count is normal or low, consider taking antiviral medication; if the white blood cell count is high, antibiotics may be necessary. I hope these suggestions are helpful to you, and wish you good health.