
Since March 2011, my daughter has been frequently falling ill, including tonsillitis and high fever. Since May, she has been experiencing these issues regularly. Before the New Year, she was treated for pneumonia with intravenous drip therapy for ten days. After stopping the medication for a month and a half, she started getting sick again on the first day of the New Year and has been like this ever since. We have consulted at Changqiu City Hospital and Jinan Children’s Hospital, where the doctors said that the child’s resistance is insufficient. Her father also often suffers from tonsillitis and fever. We want to know if there is a fundamental method to improve her immunity?


Fever in children is a common clinical diagnosis. Typically, fever is the body’s response to invasive pathogens, a process where the immune system is activated. However, excessive or prolonged fever may affect the body’s regulatory functions and impact a child’s health. When a child has a fever, it is important to actively identify the cause and treat it accordingly.