
The newborn hasn’t had a bowel movement for two days. Two days ago, there was some difficulty during bowel movements, but the baby eventually had a bowel movement. The stool was not particularly dry, but also not runny. Now, it’s been two days since the last bowel movement, and the child isn’t crying, the frequency of formula feeding hasn’t changed, and no medication has been given to the child. What should I do?


The child had some difficulty during bowel movements two days ago, but now it’s been two days since the last bowel movement, and the last stool wasn’t particularly hard. The child isn’t crying, and the frequency of formula feeding hasn’t changed. No medication has been administered. Observe if the child has abdominal distension, strange flatulence, or rumbling sounds in the stomach. If none of these symptoms are present, the child’s condition may still be normal, and there’s no need to worry excessively. Wishing for the healthy growth of the child. These are suggestions for “What to Do If a Newborn Hasn’t Pooped for Two Days?”, hoping it will be helpful to you. Wishing you and your baby good health!