
A 4-month-old baby has a severe cough and also has a runny nose. What medication is recommended?


For a 4-month-old baby with cough and runny nose, the following treatment methods can be considered:

  • For children under 1 year old, give a mixture of red sugar water, twice or thrice a day, using half a spoon of red sugar to dissolve in warm water.
  • For children over 1 year old, add one slice of fresh ginger. For children over 3 years old, add two slices. Mix with half a spoon of red sugar and boil to make ginger red sugar water for the child to drink, twice or thrice a day.
  • Before bedtime, use warm water to soak the baby’s feet. Adults can touch the baby’s head to determine if they are slightly sweating. If the baby’s hands and feet are very cold, use mugwort water for soaking.