
The common cold has been cured, but there is difficulty breathing, accompanied by phlegm. At ten months old, the baby was hospitalized for treatment due to bronchitis. Blood tests showed mild anemia. How can we completely eliminate the baby’s asthma symptoms?


The child may have an allergic constitution. After antibiotic treatment, the bronchitis should heal on its own. However, children with allergic constitutions may narrow their airways when exposed to cold air or allergens, leading to wheezing. This situation could be a precursor to asthma. It is recommended to undergo detailed allergen testing and specifically avoid exposure to allergens. Additionally, consider using hormonal therapy, although it has significant side effects. I suggest trying traditional Chinese medicine for opsonize. Symptoms may ease around the ages of 7 or 8, and after adolescence, allergic symptoms usually diminish. These are the suggestions for the question “How to Completely Eliminate Baby Asthma Symptoms.” I hope they are helpful to you, and wish you health!