
What should I do if one of my baby girl’s nipples is retracted?


Prepare a towel and a basin of hot water. Soak the towel in the water for a while. Then apply the hot towel to the nipple, and after applying it, the nipple will protrude significantly. You can then change your baby’s diaper and let her breastfeed directly. Most baby stores sell devices for sucking on nipples, which are more convenient. First, clean the suction device. Then place it directly on the nipple and let your baby breastfeed. Over time, the nipple will gradually protrude on its own. Unsuitable underwear can cause nipple retraction. First, we need to choose suitable underwear. When you have free time, pull on the retracted nipple frequently. Then teach your baby the correct breastfeeding position. Suck on the entire areola. This way, regardless of whether the nipples are retracted or not, it won’t interfere with diaper changes.