
After the baby has been weaned and started drinking formula milk, they have recently developed diarrhea symptoms. What types of food should I give the baby to help relieve the diarrhea?


Firstly, you can try giving the baby millet congee, which is mild and nourishing. If they don’t like millet congee, white rice porridge is also a good option because it is liquid and helps to nourish the stomach. Apples can be eaten appropriately, but fruits like watermelons and pears, which are cooling in nature, should be avoided as they may exacerbate diarrhea symptoms. In winter, it’s best to steam or boil fruits for 1-2 minutes to remove their coolness. Red bean water or red bean congee can stop vomiting and diarrhea and is very helpful for diarrhea caused by eating the wrong food. In addition, tofu and soy milk are also suitable as they can neutralize stomach acid and are easy to absorb. Moreover, noodles or bread can be used as staple foods, and more green vegetables should be consumed to maintain a light diet. This way, the nutritional value of the noodles is also very rich.