
The child has been infected with a viral cold, with fever lasting for two days, with body temperature mostly above 38.3 degrees. After taking Huotong, the fever subsided. This afternoon, the body temperature rose to 39 degrees, and after taking Meilin, the fever subsided. At 9 PM in the evening, the body temperature rose again to 38.3 degrees, and after taking Huotong again, the fever subsided. The child is in good spirits and has a good appetite. Previous treatment and effectiveness: Currently taking Qingkailing granules, using Huotong and Meilin during fever. Assistance sought: Do I need to give the child other medications? The child’s skin has been yellowish, and the complexion has been poor for a long time. How should I nourish them?


In the early stages of the cold, it is often caused by viral infection, and viral colds generally last about a week. It is recommended to actively treat with antiviral drugs, such as Ribavirin granules or antiviral oral liquids, to shorten the course of the disease. When a child has a fever, you can use fever-reducing medications like ibuprofen for symptomatic treatment. After appropriate treatment, the course of the disease is usually about a week, so there is no need to be overly concerned.