
The baby is three months old and the parents are inquiring whether they can make a rice gruel from soaked rice for the baby to drink, and whether it is permissible to add sugar or salt. The baby is experiencing diarrhea symptoms, and the parents are asking if they can temporarily replace breast milk completely with rice gruel. The baby had a rotavirus infection and was discharged 11 days ago, but has been experiencing diarrhea in recent days.


For three-month-old babies, breast milk or formula milk should be their primary source of nutrition. The introduction of solid food should begin with simple rice porridge and gradually transition. Given that the baby has diarrhea symptoms, it is advisable to avoid introducing new solid foods during the diarrhea period. If the baby still has diarrhea after drinking breast milk, treatment should be initiated, and consideration should be given to switching to a different formula milk. These are the suggestions for the question “Can a three-month-old baby drink rice gruel made from soaked rice?” I hope this helps. Wishing your baby good health!