
Does a newborn jaundice level of 240 indicate an abnormal high level, and what are effective ways to reduce it? The original question mentioned a decrease from 300 to 240, does this have a significant impact on the newborn? Are there quick methods to lower the level, especially if hospitalization is not required?


A newborn jaundice level of 240 does not necessarily mean it is abnormally high, as newborn jaundice can be categorized into physiological and pathological types. Physiological jaundice may last longer in premature infants, with only mild loss of appetite as a clinical symptom. For pathological jaundice, if the newborn shows no other clinical symptoms besides loss of appetite, it is recommended to administer the Yinzhihuang oral liquid. Additionally, the method of breastfeeding for the newborn should be considered. If breastfeeding jaundice is suspected, it is suggested to temporarily discontinue breastfeeding for three days and observe for any improvement, while also trying formula milk for the newborn.