
A one-year-and-four-month-old baby has been experiencing persistent diarrhea for half a month. Although the recent cold has improved, the diarrhea has not. The baby has been taking probiotics and Fufang Shadangkai Stomach-Building Plasters, but these have been ineffective. The baby has also received three injections of Xiyanping. The baby’s digestive system is poor, with daily bloating and vomiting twice during the period. The number of loose stools per day can reach three to four times. There is no fever, but the baby has recently shown signs of night sweats. The baby’s eating habits have been poor, and after a medical examination, the doctor said the digestive system is poor, suggesting reducing snack intake and improving diet. How should this be handled?


Persistent diarrhea may lead to dehydration in babies, and night sweats may be a sign of weakness. It is recommended to stop giving medication and try traditional Chinese medicine massage to regulate the baby’s spleen and stomach. The baby’s digestive system is still developing and is prone to vomiting, and traditional Chinese medicine massage can help improve spleen and stomach function. It is suggested to go to a local regular traditional Chinese medicine clinic for acupuncture adjustment, as traditional Chinese medicine massage has a significant effect on nourishing the baby’s spleen and stomach. If the baby continues to vomit, a small amount of pediatric pepsin can be given, which is effective.