
My baby is over ten days old and was fed formula through a bottle for a few days in the hospital. Now, it seems to have nipple confusion and is unwilling to suckle at my breast. I want to know, can this nipple confusion in my baby correct itself? How can I help my baby correct this situation?


If a baby develops nipple confusion, it usually does not correct itself. One viable method is to first express breast milk into a bottle and feed the baby this way, allowing the baby to get accustomed to the smell of breast milk. First, ensure that there is an adequate supply of breast milk and that expression is smooth. Then, let the baby gradually get used to the nipple, ensuring the correct breastfeeding position, and you can consult a maternity nurse or older relatives. Make sure the baby latches on to the entire nipple and part of the areola. During each feeding, try breastfeeding first and communicate with the baby while feeding, so that the baby can feel the warmth and security of the mother.