
My daughter accidentally poked her mouth with her hand the other day in the afternoon, and I didn’t pay much attention to it. By evening, she started to have a fever and vomit, and then she refused to eat or drink anything. Last night, she still had a fever, so I gave her ibuprofen suspension. The fever went down, but she still didn’t want to eat. Today, I noticed white blisters in her mouth and many small blisters on her tongue. I gave her cefixime pediatric amoxicillin yellow powder and ribavirin aerosol spray, but she still didn’t want to eat much, nor did she want to drink milk or water.


This kind of situation with your baby is usually due to stomachache or viral infection leading to herpangina. Firstly, make sure to drink plenty of water. You can take oral ribavirin granules and also use some Shuangxiu frost spray or Kailoulijian spray. For the next couple of days, avoid spicy food, feed in small amounts multiple times, give the child plenty of water, and generally, symptoms should improve gradually within two to three days.