
My 2.5-year-old baby tested positive for influenza B. On the third day of fever, which is the fifth day in total, the baby started coughing this morning, and it’s quite severe. Just now, the baby had a stomach ache and started to have diarrhea, but only a little came out. Is it due to food poisoning or because the influenza B hasn’t healed yet?


Based on your description of the symptoms and your own feelings, it is considered possible that the child’s increased immunity may have led to the recurrence of influenza B without healing, accompanied by abdominal discomfort and coughing. It is recommended to go to the hospital for further examination as soon as possible and actively cooperate with the doctor’s treatment. If there are signs of exacerbation, medication should be taken promptly to control the symptoms. Prompt medication should also be used for vomiting and diarrhea.