
My baby suddenly had diarrhea this morning, accompanied by dry heaves. Everything they eat comes back up, and even water they drink is vomited. The stool is watery, and the food they consume is not absorbed. There’s a smelly egg taste. What’s going on? How should it be treated?


Based on the situation, if a child experiences dry heaves, vomiting, and everything they eat comes back up in the morning, along with watery stools, it is likely due to gastroenteritis caused by cold or improper diet, which is related to the traditional medicine concept of dysfunction of the gastrointestinal function. If the child has severe dry heaves and vomiting, it is recommended to temporarily fast for 2-4 hours to allow the gastrointestinal tract to rest. It is suggested to visit a pediatrician for intravenous fluid therapy to correct the imbalance of water and electrolytes, symptomatic treatment, and encourage careful observation.