
My baby is two years old. A few days ago, he got cold during his afternoon nap because he kicked off the blanket. Now he has a runny nose and hiccups. We have children’s paracetamol, ceftriaxone, and An’erning granules at home. Can we take them? How should we use the medication?


If a baby has a runny nose and hiccups, it’s usually a sign of a cold. You can choose to give them cold medicine for treatment, which usually helps improve the condition. It’s important to keep the baby warm and prevent them from catching a cold, especially at night. Make sure they don’t kick off the blanket, as this can lead to catching a cold. It’s recommended to give the baby more warm water if they have a cold. If the medication doesn’t improve their condition, don’t use it blindly anymore and see a doctor for treatment promptly.