
Why might a child have a slightly swollen stomach and a thick tongue coating? Can the child take Xiao’er Xiaojie Qingfei Oral Liquid and She Dan Chuan Bei Liquid together? The child has a cough and fever, and after taking the Merline Fever-reducing medicine, the body temperature dropped to 38 degrees but no longer decreased. I suspect it’s due to indigestion causing the slightly swollen stomach and thick tongue coating.


A baby may experience a swollen stomach and thick tongue coating due to a cold, dyspepsia, or indigestion. Xiao’er Xiaojie Qingfei Oral Liquid and She Dan Chuan Bei Liquid can be taken together, but it is recommended to have a hospital check-up for blood tests, mycoplasma, CRP, etc., to determine if there is inflammation or infection. Based on the results of the examination, symptomatic treatment may be required, which may include anti-inflammatory or antiviral medications. It is also advised to keep the baby well-hydrated, eat light and easily digestible foods, and maintain regular bowel movements. Boiling some white carrot water can also help with digestion, as it has the effects of clearing heat, detoxifying, cooling the lungs, and cooling the blood.