
The baby’s diarrhea is in the form of milk curds, although it doesn’t happen often, the amount is quite large. The baby has had a poor appetite for the past few days and is a bit restless. The diarrhea has been going on for three days now, and the baby has a fever (high fever) today, constantly wanting to sleep. The baby is on mixed feeding, with insufficient breast milk, and is also fed with porridge and milk powder (not fond of it).


Based on your description, the baby’s diarrhea with milk curds may be a sign of dyspepsia. Consider giving the baby probiotics; if the symptoms do not improve, it should be checked at a hospital for detailed examination so that targeted treatment can be provided. Avoid dehydration in the baby, ensure they drink plenty of water, and offer food that is easier to digest. If the baby usually has a poor appetite, consider giving some digestive health medication.