
Are there any methods to treat baby diarrhea? My daughter is almost 1 year old and has been suffering from severe diarrhea for the past few days. She started with intravenous saline on the 22nd and is still having diarrhea as of the 26th. She can eat and is still in good spirits. Previous treatment and its effects: received injections for four days. What kind of help do I need? Should I transfer her to a specialized pediatric hospital? Or are there other methods that can treat diarrhea?


Based on your description, the primary consideration is likely gastroenteritis caused by indigestion, mainly bacterial infection. If the treatment at a general hospital has not been effective, it is best to go to a provincial pediatric hospital for treatment to avoid delaying the condition. It is recommended to use probiotics for adjustment when necessary. Give the child more warm water to drink and pay close attention to observe the child’s overall condition. The diet should be based on light meals, and attention should be paid to preventing colds.