My baby is 8 months and 6 months old, weighing 17 pounds and 72 cm tall. He drinks 180 ml of milk per meal but doesn’t eat much in the way of solid foods. He seems uninterested in eating, and could he be too thin? He had issues with subependymal hemorrhage, hypoglycemia, and patent foramen ovale at birth. What precautions should I take?
Your baby’s growth and development appear to be normal with weight and height not significantly low. However, the issue of subependymal hemorrhage at birth suggests that you should have a follow-up examination after one month, including a brain CT scan or MRI. The hypoglycemia problem should have been resolved promptly and should no longer exist. The patent foramen ovale can be rechecked when the baby is one year old, confirmed through an MRI echocardiogram, as it may sometimes close naturally.