
A seven and a half month old baby suddenly developed a fever. The baby has been in good health, without symptoms of a cold or cough, and their bowel movements are normal. Parents are confused about the cause of the fever, whether it’s related to shock or another issue. The parents have already given the baby fever-reducing medication.


Fever can be a symptom of various diseases, usually caused by infections such as bacterial or viral infections. When the fever is not too high, it’s not advisable to simply administer fever-reducing medication; instead, it’s important to quickly determine the cause. During a fever, the first step is to control the body temperature. If the temperature is too high, a combination of physical cooling methods and medication can be used to lower the body temperature. Medications like fever-reducing drugs and white plus black can be taken to reduce fever, and at the same time, drugs like Qingkailing capsules or Shuanghuanglian oral liquid can be used for clearing heat and detoxification to lower body temperature.