
My one-and-a-half-year-old son has been crying and fussing since this afternoon. His temperature was measured at 38 degrees Celsius. I gave him Shaogui Fever-reducing Granules and Ceftriaxone, but his temperature rose to 38.6 degrees Celsius. After taking more fever-reducing medicine, he continued to have a fever of 38.7 degrees Celsius. There is no sign of swelling, and I am seeking the cause.


Based on the description, the child may have a cold, usually caused by viral infection. It is recommended that parents ensure their child drinks plenty of water and can accompany physical cooling methods, such as using fever-reducing patches and wiping specific body areas to achieve cooling effects. If the fever recurs, it may be due to an uncontrolled infection, and a change in medication treatment, such as switching to Chaihuang Granules and Qingkailing Granules, may be necessary.