
After starting kindergarten, a child suddenly feels eye pain and frequently blinks, and this condition has persisted for half a year. The pain eases when not looking at phones or TVs, but occasional blinking still occurs. Can Tobramycin eye drops be used?


Frequent blinking in children may be due to conditions such as conjunctivitis, trachoma, or eyelashes turning inward. Firstly, it is necessary to determine the specific cause. If conjunctivitis is confirmed, consider using Tobraxil for anti-inflammatory treatment. Pay attention to hand hygiene and avoid rubbing your eyes with your hands. Generally, Tobramycin eye drops can be used as they are effective against regional infections in the external eye and its appendages caused by sensitive bacteria. They usually do not cause allergic reactions and occasionally may cause regional irritation symptoms. Do not rub your eyes and maintain a light diet. Reduce the time spent watching TV and using mobile phones.