
A 4-month-and-21-day-old baby, exclusively breastfed, previously had bowel movements about every three days. Recently, the baby has been pooping twice a day, with yellow stools containing bits of milk curds. The parents’ diet has been the same as usual, and they haven’t eaten any unusual foods. Doctor, what’s happening?


If the baby has no other abnormal symptoms and is eating normally, this is usually not a big deal. However, if the baby is accompanied by symptoms such as crying, refusing to breastfeed, or fever, it may indicate enteritis. In this case, it is recommended to use a navel patch for external application treatment, while paying attention to keeping warm, especially at night to prevent the navel from catching wind and cold. Maintain a suitable indoor temperature and humidity, give the baby plenty of water to drink, and massage the baby’s tummy to promote health.