
The patient had her menstrual period on December 28, 2017, and had sexual intercourse with her ex-boyfriend on January 7. She got married afterward. She had her menstrual period again on January 29 and started taking progesterone capsules on that day until February 5. At the end of February, she had sexual intercourse with her current husband, and her menstrual period did not arrive on March 27. The patient wants to know if the baby she is currently pregnant with could be related to her ex-boyfriend and whether she needs to undergo a parentage test.


Based on the patient’s description, it is recommended that she can rest assured that the baby should be from her current husband. If she is already pregnant, she will not have her menstrual period. The patient still had her menstrual period on February 27, so the pregnancy should have occurred on March 13. Therefore, there is no need to worry; during the pregnancy, she should maintain a relaxed mood, keep a cheerful attitude, eat fresh vegetables and fruits, take folic acid supplements in the early pregnancy stage, and timely supplement calcium.