
My child is almost one year old, and he can go without milk during the day, but when I take him to sleep at night, he must have milk. If I take him out, he doesn’t even drink milk, and he still needs to eat 3 to 4 times at night. How should I wean him? Could you please give me some advice? Previous treatment and effects: He hasn’t had any serious illnesses, just occasional minor colds. Desired assistance: Thank you for helping me with the answer.


The best way to wean a child is to let the child sleep with a stranger, such as the father, grandfather, or grandmother. The mother should not be with the child during the first week of weaning, as seeing the mother might remind the child of breast milk. Have someone who is often around the child take care of him for a week, and this can help break the habit. It’s also appropriate to give some infant digestive powder and ensure that food is consumed more during the day. A variety of complementary foods should be introduced as well.