
What should be done about a one-and-a-half-year-old who only drinks milk and refuses to eat, even after supplementing with calcium and zinc, without improvement? Past treatments and outcomes: No treatment has been received; assistance sought: Hoping the child will start eating.


A child who is one and a half years old who only drinks milk is not getting enough nutrition. This behavior may indicate signs of anorexia. Try to make rice into other forms for the child to eat, such as making it into cookies, porridge, or fried rice. At the same time, ensure a variety of dishes, paying attention to the color, aroma, and appearance of the food, and making it in a small, digestible shape. Avoid frying, stir-frying, and deep frying. It is also necessary to carefully check if the child is deficient in trace elements, especially zinc. You can choose some digestive drugs, such as Qi Dai Oral Liquid or Children’s Qi Dai Powder.