
My baby is 68 days old, and she has been experiencing severe vomiting (it started around day 40, and now she vomits everything if she drinks more than 30 ml of milk). She also cries a lot, her food intake has decreased from 60-70 ml to 20-30 ml, and her sleep is poor; she can only sleep for half an hour and is easily startled. I don’t know what’s going on? I’m so worried!


Children have a delicate constitution with tender organs, which are easily susceptible to external invasions and damage to the spleen and stomach function. It is recommended that the patient go to a pediatric hospital for a detailed cause check-up. Parents should pay attention to cold prevention for their children and be cautious to prevent the recurrence of such conditions during spring. Wishing your baby good health. It is suggested that you do not let your baby engage in vigorous activity within half an hour after feeding, helping to keep their body upright to aid digestion.