
My baby is about 3 months old. We traveled with the baby for a week, and it was quite cold. We were feeding the baby both breast milk and formula milk. After just three or four days, the baby started crying frequently, refusing to drink formula milk and only wanting breast milk, which wasn’t enough to satisfy the baby’s hunger and they cried a lot. Last night, when the weather was warmer, the baby seemed to be scared and cried a lot, drinking less formula milk and even less breast milk. They were so tired that they had to be held to sleep, and if put down, they would wake up. What can we do to get them to drink formula milk?


The baby’s refusal to drink formula milk and breast milk upon returning home after a trip may indicate a cold or indigestion, causing a decrease in appetite. You can closely monitor for any cold symptoms in the baby and give them some gastrointestinal adjustment syrups. Then observe if their appetite improves; otherwise, it is necessary to go to the hospital for an examination to see if there are other conditions.