
The child has a hoarse voice, which has been persistent. He doesn’t report any discomfort, but his voice becomes hoarser when he talks more. He occasionally clears his throat without producing phlegm. Due to the hoarseness, it’s difficult for him to hear explanations during tutoring sessions, so I suggested taking medication. I bought Huangshi Xiangsheng Wan (a traditional Chinese medicine), but he says it doesn’t work. I’m not sure what medication would be effective.


Based on the description, the current symptoms may be related to laryngitis or vocal nodules. In this case, it is recommended to take the child to an otorhinolaryngology department for a laryngoscopy to make a diagnosis. If these conditions are present, symptomatic treatment can include oral amoxicillin and clavulanate potassium capsules, metronidazole tablets, Yinyao Detox Granules, and Huangshi Xiangsheng Wan. However, some children naturally have a hoarser voice, which is a relatively normal physiological phenomenon.