
At 316 weeks pregnant, the baby’s position is LOP, biparietal diameter is 8.4 cm, femur length is 6.1 cm, placenta is located at the fundal wall I level, fetal heart rate is 140 beats per minute, amniotic fluid index is 14.6 cm. Want to know if the baby’s head is too large, whether it can be delivered normally, how to adjust the position for normal delivery, and the current weight of the fetus.


The biparietal diameter is relatively large for the gestational age, but other indicators are normal. Whether a normal delivery is possible needs to be considered comprehensively, including the size of the fetal head, symmetry of the pelvis, cervical condition, fetal position, and placental amniotic fluid status, and an assessment should be made before labor. The fetus currently weighs about 4.0 jin. Regular monitoring of fetal heart rate and movement should be conducted.