
A three-month-old set of twin girls has developed a dislike for their usual formula milk and refuses to drink it. Attempts to switch to a different formula or add probiotics have improved the situation, and the issue does not seem to be with the bottle. The other boy twin is unaffected. How should one handle a baby entering a phase of refusing to drink milk?


Do not force the child to drink formula milk. Try switching to a type that the girl baby prefers. Every baby has individual differences and inherent temperaments, so what works for another baby may not be suitable for yours. Therefore, there is no need to try every method or switch to a new one after one failure. Be patient and guide them step by step. Each type of formula has its own nutritional features and taste, so you can choose the appropriate one based on your baby’s condition. Babies have weaker digestive abilities, and they may experience digestive discomfort when switching formulas for the first time, but the situation will improve after some time of adaptation.