
A seven-month-old baby developed a fever of 37.5°C after receiving a vaccination, with the fever reaching 37.5°C the previous evening and 37.3°C this morning. Will this temperature affect the baby? Do we need to see a doctor or take medication? How was the past treatment and what were the effects? What kind of assistance are we expecting?


An armpit temperature below 37.5°C is within the normal range, and temperatures between 37.5°C and 38°C do not require concern. Temperatures between 38°C and 38.5°C are considered high fever, and anything above 38.5°C should be taken seriously. Measure the baby’s temperature at regular intervals to observe any changes. You can first use a fever-reducing patch on the forehead, replacing it every 12 hours, and use physical cooling methods by wiping the baby’s entire body with warm water, particularly focusing on areas like the palms and soles that are easy to cool down. Ensure the baby drinks plenty of fluids, and if the temperature does not decrease, it is necessary to go to the hospital for a consultation.