
A ten-month-old baby had a fever of 38 degrees last night, diagnosed by a doctor as being caused by a swollen throat. However, the baby has now developed diarrhea and has an unstable body temperature. What could be the reason?


During the transition between the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn, and winter, temperature changes are significant, and diarrhea is common at this time, usually related to catching a cold, such as kicking off the blanket while sleeping at night, wearing too little clothing, or getting cold while bathing. Generally, no special treatment is needed. You can give the baby more warm water, ginger juice, or scallion water. Avoid using cold medicine, and when the baby is restless and has a fever, you can give a small amount of pediatric Xing’an oral medicine. Do not use adult fever-reducing medicine, and it is not suitable to give cough syrup or cough tablets to clear the lungs, nor should antibiotics be used.