
A 12-year-old child has been hospitalized in Harbin for over a year, receiving intravenous, herbal, and Western medicine treatments, including the use of steroids and autoimmune modulators, but the symptoms have not improved. The condition worsened upon discontinuation of steroids, with urine protein and occult blood indices at 3 and 3 respectively. The inquiry is whether there are hospitals or treatments specializing in the treatment of hypersensitivity pernicious nephritis.


A fellow patient recommended a hospital specializing in the treatment of hypersensitivity pernicious nephritis. After half a month of treatment, the child’s symptoms significantly improved. The doctor prescribed a month’s worth of medication and began to reduce the dosage of steroids. It is advised that the patient pay attention to blood tests during treatment and follow the doctor’s instructions, avoiding foods that may cause allergies such as meats, eggs, dairy products, and seafood. The diet should be light, avoiding spicy and irritating foods, as well as foods containing preservatives. At the same time, according to individual constitution, take kidney-protecting, anti-allergy, and immunity-enhancing drugs under the guidance of a doctor.