
My two-and-a-half-year-old child’s language development seems fine. He can talk about what he sees. He also likes to ask ‘What is this?’ But when he’s called by his name, he knows it’s being called but doesn’t respond with ‘Oh’ or ‘Um.’ If someone asks where grandpa is, he doesn’t answer. If someone asks if Mom scolded him, he doesn’t respond to these types of questions either. Is there a problem with his growth and development?


Every child has individual differences in growth, and it’s normal for some children to have a slower development of the language system. It’s not uncommon for a child to start speaking around the age of three. You can guide the child in pronunciation to promote language growth. There is no problem with the child’s growth and development because his language function is not yet very mature, and his language habits are still being cultivated. He needs gradual guidance from adults, and there is no need to worry about this issue too much.