
My baby cried all day yesterday and nothing I did seemed to comfort them. They eventually fell asleep from exhaustion, but in the middle of the night, they felt chilly, had cold sweat, and their face turned a bit blue. This morning, their face looked better, and they didn’t sweat anymore, but their back still feels cool, and their throat is hoarse. Do they need to take medicine or eat medicine? The baby is just over a month old.


A newborn crying without a reason is unlikely; there must be some discomfort, possibly due to cold, hunger, or pain somewhere in the body. Abdominal pain is a possibility as the baby’s digestive system is not fully developed yet, which may cause bloating and severe intestinal pain. It is recommended to take the baby to the hospital for an abdominal color Doppler ultrasound examination and to provide vitamin D supplementation, with a minimum preventive dose of 800 units per day.