
A 36-year-old adult described symptoms of discomfort, including dizziness and decreased work efficiency, along with insomnia at night and the ineffectiveness of medication treatment. Asking for advice on how to handle the situation if a baby takes immune-boosting medications.


These symptoms may indicate Qi deficiency, which includes symptoms such as weakness, pale complexion, rapid breathing, weakness in the limbs, dizziness, sweating during activity, and a faint voice. Qi deficiency may lead to blood loss, and it is recommended to use Astragalus decoction in large quantities, usually for the first two months. When turning the baby over, be careful with the arms to avoid bending them, placing the baby’s hands near the chin, and massaging the muscles at the back of the neck with your fingers. Use black and white striped pictures to let the baby look at to train them to lift their head. If it exceeds two months, use red, green, and blue toys for the baby to look at. After three months, once the baby is turned over, they can lift their head themselves, but the duration may not be long.