
Why does a 5-month-old baby love to put their hands in their mouths? Recently, the child has been disobedient, constantly crying and fussing, and the hospital check-up did not find any problems. What could be the reason?


Putting hands in the mouth is a normal behavior for a 5-month-old baby, part of their growth process that aids in the development of hand-eye coordination. Parents should simply ensure the baby’s hands are kept clean and hygienic, and promptly supplement with vitamin D for the child, such as giving one ‘Children’s Ikexin’ tablet daily to promote calcium absorption. For children with mild symptoms, early signs may include symptoms similar to upper respiratory infections, such as coughing, runny nose, and drooling. Some children may also experience nausea and vomiting. After 1 to 2 days of fever, the child may develop rashes on the hands, feet, and buttocks, or blisters on the oral mucosa. Some children may not have a fever but only present with rashes on the hands, feet, and buttocks or tonsillitis, with milder symptoms. Most patients see their temperature drop and rashes fade within a week, recovering from the illness.