
What should be done when five babies have nasal congestion?


This could be due to a cold caused by the wind chill. Wind chill colds typically occur during the autumn and winter seasons, and are caused by wind and cold exposure. It is recommended to use Jingfang Baidu Powder for treatment, and to drink plenty of water. Additionally, the following measures can be taken:

  1. Use appropriate medication under the guidance of a doctor, such as Pediatric Cold Ning Syrup, Pediatric Pharyngitis and Sore Throat Powder, or Pediatric Heat Speed Clear Oral Liquid.
  2. Supplement with dietary therapy by boiling water with 20 grams of cabbage root, 30 grams of white radish, and 60 grams of brown sugar, which can be taken warm to relieve the symptoms of cold and sweating.