
After my child was born, their eyes have always been watery, and they often cry. How does a child develop strabismus, and how can it be corrected?


The formation of strabismus may involve various factors, including congenital structural abnormalities or acquired vision problems. Correction methods may include surgical procedures, particularly for severe cases of strabismus. Surgery is typically performed when children reach a certain age to ensure long-term effectiveness. The cost of surgery varies depending on the location and complexity of the procedure, but it usually falls within an acceptable range. Early treatment is crucial under certain conditions. Early detection is key to treating amblyopia. For children under 5 years old, covering the good eye can yield better results. By covering the good eye, the brain is forced to use the eye that has been covered all along. In the age range of 5 to 9 years old, the effectiveness of treatment depends on age, the severity of amblyopia, and compliance with treatment. Younger age is associated with better treatment outcomes. For children aged 10 or older, significant treatment benefits can also be achieved. When covering the eye, attention must be paid to the condition of the covered eye (good eye) to avoid the occurrence of deprivation amblyopia caused by covering.