
My child is an 8-year-old boy. He has recently started feeling discomfort in his throat, his voice is a bit hoarse, and he has a fever with a lack of energy. How should I diagnose and treat pediatric tonsillitis?


It is generally recommended to give the child symptomatic anti-inflammatory medication as prescribed by the doctor. In severe cases, consider regional treatment methods such as tonsil crypt irrigation or injection medications. At the same time, you can give the child painkillers as needed, especially when there is severe throat pain, which can effectively relieve pain. If the child continues to have a fever, parents can administer fever-reducing medication or seek immediate medical attention. For patients with recurrent acute severe conditions or those who have developed complications, it is recommended to undergo tonsillectomy two weeks after the acute inflammation subsides. During the treatment period, it is important to ensure the child gets adequate nutrition, eat a light diet, and maintain sufficient rest to avoid overexertion.