
My child is 8 years old, and she says her throat hurts so much that even drinking water is painful. She also has some mild coughing and low-grade fever symptoms. What should I be cautious about in terms of diet?


When a child has tonsillitis, the following dietary precautions should be taken:

  • Keep it light: Focus on vegetables and fruits as they are rich in various nutrients that can help boost the child’s immunity and promote the repair of the tonsils. It’s recommended to choose fruits that are neutral in nature and rich in vitamins, such as tangerines and kiwis.
  • Easy to digest and swallow: Opt for soft foods like porridge and soft noodles that are easy to chew. Drink plenty of plain water.
  • Avoid allergens: Do not give the child seafood, dog meat, or other foods that may cause allergies or irritate the inflammation.
  • Correct bad habits: Help correct the child’s picky eating and anorexia habits to ensure they receive comprehensive nutrition absorption.