
My child has been crying and not eating much lately. What types of food can breastfeeding mothers consume to aid their baby’s intellectual development?


  1. Diversify the diet; 2. Ensure food is fresh; 3. Breastfeeding mothers should also follow these two principles when eating, but be cautious about avoiding certain sensitive foods, such as those that are spicy or irritating, like chili and Sichuan pepper, etc. Engage in physical exercises with the baby, practicing sitting and standing. Sing lullabies or rhythmic, easy-to-recite songs, telling them the names of items around the house and on the walls, and talk to them more. Play simple games like hide and seek. Pay attention to timely introduction of complementary foods as a step towards transitioning to regular meals. However, milk intake should not be overlooked. Most mothers have gone back to work or their breast milk is not sufficient enough, so formula milk is a good choice. During this period, the baby grows rapidly, so it’s important to supplement calcium to prevent conditions like pectus carinatum (caving in of the chest) and pectus excavatum (sunken chest) due to calcium deficiency.