
What’s causing the body temperature change in a 1-week-old baby?


These symptoms are indicative of a cold, often triggered by factors such as exposure to external wind and cold, and a weak immune system. It’s not recommended for babies to take too many medications, so Good Baby syrup can be used for treatment. It’s important to drink plenty of water, monitor body temperature, and avoid fever. Generally, medication can be tried first, such as Hikolau granule suspension to see how effective it is. If the medication is not effective, consider surgery to avoid more complications. Adenoid hypertrophy can cause many symptoms, including obstruction of the eustachian tube orifice, leading to complications such as secretory otitis media, allergic rhinitis, and sinusitis. Secretions can stimulate respiratory mucosa, often causing paroxysmal coughing and easy complications of bronchitis. Long-term mouth breathing can lead to adenoid facies. Therefore, if medication is not effective, surgery should be considered promptly to avoid more complications.