What medication should you give a one-month-old baby when they have a fever?
In response to your description, it is generally not necessary to immediately administer fever-reducing medication for a low-grade fever in infants. You can try physical methods of cooling (temperature reduction). If the baby is restless during sleep, it may be due to calcium deficiency, and it is recommended to supplement cod liver oil. As for judging the severity of jaundice, you can refer to the following four indicators:
- Total bilirubin levels exceed 229 umol/L (full-term infants) or 250 umol/L (premature infants).
- Jaundice recurs and worsens rapidly.
- Jaundice persists for more than 3 weeks (premature infants) or 14 days (full-term infants).
- Jaundice extends beyond the face and trunk to the arms, palms, soles of the hands, and soles of the feet, indicating a potentially more serious condition. Some babies may develop a yellowish skin appearance shortly after being breastfed, but they usually have good spirits. At this time, you can observe the bilirubin levels; if they are below 20 milligrams per 100 milliliters of blood, there is usually no need to be overly concerned. Additionally, observing whether the liver and spleen are enlarged can also help determine the situation.