
My son is 9 years old. He recently complained of a sore throat and difficulty swallowing. Now, he has a persistent high fever. How should I treat his tonsillitis pain effectively?


To effectively treat tonsillitis, it is advisable to select medications with anti-inflammatory effects based on symptoms under a doctor’s guidance. In addition to systemic medication, regional treatment can also be considered, such as tonsil crypt irrigation or intratonsillar medication injection. If the child’s throat pain is severe, it is recommended to administer analgesics according to the situation. If the child continues to have a fever, parents should also administer antipyretic medications or immediately take the child to the hospital. These methods are currently commonly used in the treatment of tonsillitis. Furthermore, surgery is also a viable option, suitable for children with recurrent episodes. Finally, parents should pay attention to this disease and bring their children for medical treatment as soon as possible. They should also pay attention to preventive and health care measures in their daily lives.