
My daughter is 8 years old. She recently started experiencing a slight sore throat, accompanied by severe coughing and a low-grade fever. How should a child with tonsillitis and a sore throat be treated?


Treatment for pediatric tonsillitis can involve selecting sensitive antibiotic medications based on bacterial culture, along with regional treatments such as tonsil crypt irrigation, intratonsillar drug injections, and laser therapy. If a child has severe throat pain, it is recommended to administer painkillers according to the situation. Some children may also have a fever, in which case oral antipyretics can be given. If the symptoms cannot be relieved, it is necessary to seek medical attention. In addition to these medication treatment methods, if a child frequently experiences tonsillitis, it is also recommended to consider surgical treatment. During the treatment period, it is important to ensure the child receives adequate nutrition, with a diet primarily consisting of light and easy-to-digest foods. It is also important to ensure the child gets enough rest and avoids fatigue.