
My son is 9 years old, and he has a sore throat that even drinking water is painful. He also has severe coughing and a low-grade fever. What are the dietary precautions to take when a child has tonsillitis and a low fever?


When children have tonsillitis, in addition to following medical instructions and actively treating the condition, dietary care is also very important. Here are some suggestions:

  • Consume plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables: These foods are rich in vitamins and trace elements, which help boost immunity and are easy to digest. For example, pears have the effects of reducing fever, soothing the throat, resolving phlegm, and relieving pain, which can alleviate the throat discomfort caused by tonsillitis.
  • Opt for soft foods: Provide foods like congee or noodles that are soft, which can avoid affecting the child’s swallowing and also prevent constipation, which could worsen the condition.
  • Reduce the intake of irritating foods: It is advisable to avoid eating poultry eggs, donkey meat, mutton, and beef, as these can affect the effectiveness of treatment.
  • Cultivate good habits: In addition to cooperating with the doctor’s treatment, parents should also help their children develop good dietary and living habits, which can help accelerate the recovery process.