
The baby has been crying and fussing a lot lately, and not eating much. What should I do if I, as a breastfeeding woman, have a sore throat, nasal patches, and constipation?


It’s best to temporarily use rectal lubricant or soap sticks to relieve the discomfort. Eat more vegetables and fruits, increase the intake of high-fiber vegetables and root crops, avoid spicy and irritating foods, drink plenty of water, and engage in moderate exercise. In most cases, constipation symptoms can be relieved through diet and appropriate activity. I suggest taking some linseeds balls for their lubricating intestines, clearing heat, promoting Qi flow, and facilitating bowel movements—they are a good traditional Chinese medicine for treating constipation. Pay attention to eating more vegetables like carrots, green beans, and spinach, which have excellent laxative effects. Eat less spicy and irritating food, consume moderate amounts of meat, eggs, and dairy products, drink plenty of water, and exercise more.